About Us
Established in autumn 2019, Active Wellness LLC provides occupational therapy specializing in hand and arm treatment. Patient centered care is our primary focus, yet our treatment is coordinated with all medical providers to achieve your goals.
The office is one block from the Corvallis downtown bus transit center; the bus system is free within the city of Corvallis. Active Wellness accepts most insurance coverage. Wellness care provides direct access with payment at the time of treatment.
Peggy Stein OTD OTR/L CHT
Dr. Peggy Stein has over 30 years of experience with hand and arm rehabilitation. After working several years in injured-worker programs and hospital settings, she began to specialize in hand therapy. Independent study, training with mentors, and continued education coursework deepened her skill and expertise as a certified hand therapist (CHT).
Academic Studies
Pacific University, Bachelor of Sciences in Occupational Therapy
Drexel University, Certificate of Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy Track
American Occupational Therapy Association
American Society of Hand Therapy